Welcome to the North

posted on: Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday was so busy!! JP had to get ready to leave for Saskatchewan and we needed to get his work van from the shop, so we left our place early (well, early for me on a Sunday) to grab it. We came back home and JP made us Sunday morning breakfast. We opted for bacon and eggs instead of pancakes this time. After that he headed to band practice and I met up with a friend at hot yoga. I hadn't gone in over a month and nearly died! Plus I don't think bacon is the best choice of food right before stretching and balancing in a sauna-like room. I definitely sat most of the class out, but I'm still feeling it today! lol. JP and I got home from yoga and band practice around the same time. He left for work  and I met up with one of my best friends, Simran. She just got back for the holidays from Australia where she's going to med school. I'm so proud of her!! She's my friend that took photo developing with me in high school, so we had to go out on a photo adventure like old time together!!
(jacket - Gap, jeggings - 34 Heritage [Aritzia], sweater-vest & scarf - Forever 21,
bag - Spring, boots - Sorel, hat - American Eagle)
(tights - H&M, cardigan - vintage, purse - TNA)