Calgary Bloggers Meet!

posted on: Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi everyone!
Today I went to a Calgary blogger meet up! I met up with, Amy of Flying a KiteAnia of Ania. BDanielle or Death by ShoeKD of The Girl with the Messy Hair, and Ashley of Opheliac. All of the girls were so sweet and I can't wait to get together with all of them again. It was fun to meet some other bloggers, talk blogs, and just get to know each other. I love meeting new people. We planned on taking some photos, but we ended up chatting the whole time! lol. 

JP's band played their second show yesterday and it was amazing. This time I was able to get some good shots of the band, but no outfit shots again.  I wore my black jeggings, a grey t-shirt, black pumps, and a grey blazer. The first photo is of the opening band and the last photo was of the closing band.