Pearls and Cardigans

posted on: Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas was here and gone before I even knew it this year. I opted out of any vacation time for the holidays and decided to save it up for the wedding and some sort of trip during the summer, so I was back at work today. I miss the days of being young and having weeks off from school, just sitting by the Christmas tree staring at my presents. I miss watching hours on end of Christmas specials, and getting more and more excited for Christmas Day as the hours pass. This year I was wrapping presents until the very last minute, and didn't catch a single Christmas show. It was still a good weekend, but I just hate when special days are over so fast. I guess that's why JP and I decided to go for a destination wedding. I love the idea of drawing out the wedding events for a whole week, and then celebrating at the end of the week with a big party and a big dress. Only two more months to go!! I'm also so excited to escape to somewhere warm during the dead of winter. 

The tights, tanktop, pearl necklace and cardigan are all Christmas presents. I got three cardigans for Christmas this year! I was pretty excited. My mom and aunt know me well. I adore cardigans. <3
(skirt - Target, tanktop - American Eagle, cardigan - J. Crew, tights - Jacob, 
toque - RW&Co, shoes - Aldo Kids, jacket - Costa Blanca)

Photos by JP