I'm so excited to do my first blogger spotlight! I'm sure some of you have already heard of Mikhaila from All the Pretty Birds Vintage, but for those of you who haven't, you must check out her blog! Mikhaila is one of the first blogger that I really connected with, and we've been getting to know each other through email. She is an absolute sweetheart, genuine, and has an amazing sense of style with a flare for vintage. She inspires me to search for more vintage pieces to mix into my wardrobe. Check out my interview with Mikhaila to find out more about why she started blogging, what she does outside of the blogging world, and more!
1.When and why did you start your blog?
I used to have a LiveJournal (I recently found it and am a little bit embarrassed but loved reading it-I cried, I laughed, I felt sorry for my 19 year old self and proud at the same time) so I've always been into writing/blogging/documenting my life. I discovered fashion blogs likeSelective Potential and Flair To Remember sometime last year and fell in love with the idea of the blogging community. Especially because I often feel like my interest in fashion and vintage isn't shared by my friends and family! At the same time I was starting my Etsy store and wanted a way to network and promote it.
2. How do you like to spend your time when you aren’t blogging? What are your hobbies/interests outside of blogging?
I love to cook and bake, most nights after work I find myself in the kitchen. I think it's therapeutic to me after a long and usually emotional day at work. I'm a caseworker for kids in foster care and it can be emotionally draining and stressful. I also go to school for holistic health counseling so I try to squeeze in homework too. Besides spending time with friends and family, I love reading, shopping and thrifting, outdoorsy things like going on walks and hikes (I always say I like to do that but I'm pretty miserable during the actual hike ha). I'm learning how to sew so that's my newest hobby, so far I've mastered pillows but am working on a dress for my niece (I might have been a little too ambitious, it's harder than I thought!) and a stuffed plush whale for my sister.
3. What are your dreams for the future?
I really hope health counseling turns into a full time job for me. As much as I love working with kids I can't do this forever. My dream life would be to have my own vintage store and do health counseling on the side and be able to enjoy life to the fullest, doing what I love.
4. What inspires your style?
I think I've always had my own take on style but fellow bloggers and my sister inspire me most! I barely read magazines or celebrity news anymore. I like seeing how girls of different shapes and sizes dress and I love vintage but I also love new so I like to wear a mix of both.
5. What music is currently on your playlist?
Let's seeee...well my favorite favorite musicians are The Weepies and Ray Lamontagne. But I'm also obsessed with The Shins, Modest Mouse, Andrew Bird, Radiohead, Sia, Band of Horses, Bright Eyes, Neon Trees, MGMT, Pheonix. Seriously, my music interest ranges from soft and acoustic indie stuff to loud and fun punk music. Depends on my mood, but that's just a taste of what I'm currently listening to.
6. What is a typical day like for you?
Monday through Friday is pretty much the same boring-ho-hum type of day. Not so much in the spring and summer but definitely in the winter. I wake up, do a little blog reading with my coffee, get ready and go to work, go home and make dinner and hang out with Frank. We usually watch T.V, or I'll do homework or work on my sewing. I try to break up the week by doing things and seeing friends. On Tuesdays my best friend comes over and we make dinner and usually watch a movie or Glee. On Thursdays I go to craft night that my friend and I put together a few weeks ago. So it's really nice to not feel like all I do is work. On the weekends, I meet up with another friend for bagels and coffee, then I usually do a little thrifting or stop in my friend Michelle from Black Bird Attic store and hang out with her. I'll head to my parents at some point to see my niece, maybe meet up with another friend for coffee, wait for Frank to get home, relax, and make plans for the night. I try to enjoy every minute of the weekend! When the weather is nice Frank and I will go on little day trips...I struggle to find stuff to do in the winter. I just want to hibernate!
7. What do you like best about the blogging community?
I like that I've had the chance to meet some pretty awesome people who share the same interests as me. The inspiration is pretty wonderful too!
8. What, if anything, have you learned about yourself through blogging?
I've learned to embrace what makes me unique when it comes to my personal style and my personality. I don't have to try to be anything other than myself and people will like me for it. I've struggled with that in the past and worried too much what others will think about me. I think my blog has given me the outlet I needed to share who I really am and what makes me happy, my passions, my ideas...etc.
9. What article of clothing or outfit do you feel most comfortable in?
I wear a dress pretty much every day. I love anything flowy and over sized too. Some days I like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt though, it depends on my mood and the weather mostly!
Thanks again Mikhaila for a lovely interview!