Rockin to the Beat

posted on: Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So this is what I wore to the BEP concert on Sunday. It was such a crazy day weather wise!!! There was yet another flash hail storm. There was so much hail that it looked like it snowed!!! Around 7pm the sun came out blazing for the first time that day and melted all the hail. I still wore my raincoat and boots to the concert though because I was afraid that we'd come out of the arena and it would be pouring! fortunately it was a lovely evening.
(dress, tights, cardigan - Joe Fresh Style: dress altered by Sheryl Sewsbelt - Rewind Consignment
boots - Chinese Laundry via Winners,  feather earrings - Millicent Designs, by Miranda of Pieces from Audrey 
necklace - custom made in India)

Photos by Opheliac