Lately Vol. 6

posted on: Friday, August 3, 2012

Here is a glimpse into my life lately via Instagram. Still loving running and in love with my Nike Free Run's and my Vibram FiveFinger barefoot runners. My brother just lent me the book, Born To Run, and I'm excited to start reading it.  I received an awesome package of hair products from John Freida, and mine and JP's house is coming a long! We just finished picking out the majority of our options. I never could have imagined how hard it would be to pick out tile! It seriously took us hours, then we found out we had to pick out grout colours (who knew??) and we pretty much just went with whatever at that point. haha. It was a fun experience though and I can't wait to see how everything turns out together.  And that's the update. 

bird nest at my parents | neon Nike Free Run runners | fishtail braid | a bucket of bacon from District | breakfast | goodies from John Frieda | mine and JP's house!! | going on a weekend trip | addicted to my Vibram FiveFinger barefoot runners