Stand Tall, Stand Strong

posted on: Sunday, September 5, 2010

Opheliac and I went to the Dirty Heads concert Friday night. It was such a fun night. We decided to take the train downtown, which neither of us had done in ages. JP and I moved into our new place on Wednesday and we are walking distance from a train station now. 

I am so excited to finally be in our new place! It's so amazing. I'll have to put up some photos. 9 foot ceilings, floor to ceiling windows. And we have two underground parking stalls!!! Plus the kitchen is to die for. I'm going to have to learn how to cook. 
(boots - thrifted, purse - Coach, tights - forever 21, shorts - thrifted DIY cutoffs, 
t-shirt - gift, necklace - custom made in India

Outfit photos by Opheliac