VII Oxygen Eye Masks

posted on: Monday, December 7, 2015

I was sent the VII O2M Oxygen Eye Masks a while back, and it has taken me a lot longer then I intended to review these! I've been wanting to try some eye masks for quite some time and was very pleased with these ones. I cannot say that I saw any drastic differences in the fine lines around my eyes, but I definitely found these to be soothing and calming on my eye area. They are meant to use over night, but I've worn them during the day for a couple hours when I had a rough sleep and my eyes were puffy and tired. These have a really neat gel coating on them and they feel really cooling when applied. The masks are said to be brightening and hydrating. During the winter months my skin becomes quite dry and dehydrated, so these have been great to add a bit of moisture back into my skin. 

Have you tried any eye masks? 

xo Ashley