Jamberry Nails

posted on: Friday, August 1, 2014


I wore this nail combination quite a while ago. I thought this very pale blue shade by Essie called Find Me an Oasis would look nice with the Jamberry design Flirty Flair*.  I think nail wraps are a fun way to add a bit of character to your nails, and there are so many different kinds and designs to choose from now! The process of applying the Jamberry nail wraps was a little more tedious then other nail wraps that I've tried. These nails wraps need to be heated before and after application to adhere to your nails. I've talked to quite a few people who use Jamberry nails and they seem to last ages on them, but for me they lasted about a week before they started to lift up. I think my favourite thing about Jamberry nail wraps is the large variety of designs to choose from.

Have you tried nails wraps? Which ones are your favourites?

xo Ashley