Holts Spring Trends 14'

posted on: Sunday, February 23, 2014

A couple weeks ago Holt Renfrew hosted their Talking Trends with Lisa Tant event. It was so good to catch up with fellow blogger and get motivated for the upcoming spring season. The event consisted of a media reception followed by a fashion show. Lisa also introduced some of the upcoming trends and gave tips for working the trends into your own personal style. Here are a few of the tips that I took away from the trend talk.
  1. Before you make a purchase ask yourself, "Can I wear this piece at least three way?" and "What more can I do with this piece?"
  2. A great printed dress is a must have for spring. 
  3. White button down shirts are great for layering (and would pair nicely with the printed dress!)
  4. Update any outfit with a pastel bag
If you want to see some of the examples and inspiration from Lisa Tants talk, you can check them out on the Holts Muse blog.