Summer Reading List

posted on: Saturday, August 24, 2013

I've always gone through reading spree's during the summer months and this year it seems will be no exception. This year my summer vacation is during the months of August and September, and these are the books that I'm hoping to get through. So far I have finished reading The Secret Between Us and The Cuckoo's Calling and I'm a little over half way finished reading Left Neglected. My mom is currently reading Gone Girl but has promised to hand it over to me in the next few days. Next up will be The Casual Vacancy. I don't have Confession's of a Sociopath in my possession yet, but I'm planning on looking at a couple books stores for it in the next couple weeks. 

The Cuckoo's Calling
The Cuckoo's Calling is a novel written by J.K Rowling under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith. It's a crime/mystery novel about a private defective, Cormoran Strike, who is investigating the suspicious death of model Lula Landry.

The Secret Between Us
The novel is about a mother daughter relationship and how lies and deceptions can put a relationship in jeopardy. This story starts out with a mother and daughter who are driving home one night and are involved in a car accident. The daughter was driving, but the mother decides to take the blame for the accident. 

Left Neglected
Left Neglected is about Sarah, a career driven mother of three who is alway on the go, until a brain injury leaves her with a condition called Left Neglect. Sarah can no longer detect the left side of her world, and is left completely dependent on others to do everyday tasks. The story is about letting go and discovering what it truly means to be successful and happy. 

Gone Girl
Gone Girl is a triller novel about the dysfunctional marriage of Nick and Amy Dunne. On the couples fifth wedding anniversary Amy goes missing and Nick becomes the main suspect in his wife's disappearance. 

The Casual Vacancy
Another novel by J.K Rowling, this story is about a town that is not what it appears to be. After Barry Fairbrother dies unexpectedly at age 40, his empty spot left on the town counsel sets off a war between the towns people.

Confessions of a Sociopath
Confessions of a Sociopath is a memoir taking readers into the mind of a functional sociopath. 

I really enjoyed reading The Cuckoo's calling. The characters were interesting and I'm a fan of crime/detective novels. I liked that I wasn't able to solve the crime, even though there were plenty of clues and the ending was a surprise to me, but not unbelievable or random. The Secret Between us was good too. It had some elements of mystery to it as well, and I definitely got wrapped up in the characters emotions. So far I am also liking Left Neglected. The main character, Sarah, is witty and smart.

Has anyone else read any of these books? What did you think? Any other recommendations?