Designer Sample Sale

posted on: Thursday, June 21, 2012

left: Kara, President of PARK and Caitlin Power 
right: me trying on some Caitlin Power pieces
left: Lara Presber
right: Anne B. Accessories
right: Paul Hardy

Here are a few snapshots from the PARK Designer Sample Sale last weekend. I unfortunately forgot my camera, so I had to rely on mine and a few of my fellow PARK teams iPhones to capture the event. The Sample Sale is one of my favourite PARK events. There were so many great deals, and all designers were in attendance, so if you wanted you could chat with the designer about their creations and what inspired them. The best part about working the event was that I got to scope out some of the pieces that I wanted to purchase before the shopping started.

photos by Ashley, and Jen & Maeghan of PARK                                                                                                                                                       
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