Eight Years & A Birthday

posted on: Monday, September 26, 2011

Well, there is another interruption in the last few New York posts. I promise I will finish them eventually!

This past week has been so busy, but fun! It was mine and JP's eight year anniversary (do people still celebrate that after they are married???), and my birthday!! The week was packed with events and mini celebrations. It started out with catching a band, Braids, with a couple friends on Tuesday night, then JP and I went out for dinner and the Pearl Jam concert on Wednesday night. Thursday Mel, Mack, Hayley and I celebrated my birthday by having a girls night in. We made sushi, tempura, avocado chicken cakes, drank wine, and Mel made a delicious birthday cake! Friday I met up for tea with Mack and Hayley in Kensington. I had a chai tea latte made with almond milk! We then wandered around Kensington checking out the consignment store. Later that night JP and I went out for dinner. We were going to do the typical date night, dinner and a movie, but there weren't any movies that we wanted to see so we stayed in and watched movies at home. We ended the week with friends at Mel's baby shower. Oh yeah! JP bought me the prettiest watch, which I'll have to show off in an upcoming outfit post. To top the week off JP and I went car shopping, and I'm hoping to be getting a new car (well, new to me) today! 

Phew!!! And that's the anniversary/birthday week recap. Here are a couple photos of mine and JP's adventures together so far, and a few instagram photos from the week. 

2008 California trip
2011 Cabo - whale watching!!!

From left to right - Pearl Jam concert, sushi girls night,
tea lattes, JP and I at Mel's baby shower