Winds are Whipping

posted on: Sunday, January 9, 2011

JP and I spent the majority of our Saturday running around finishing some final touches for our wedding. We needed to get our wedding bands still, and we needed to replace my engagement ring. I know, this sounds really bad, but I lost my engagement ring. It was pretty traumatizing. I literally cried everyday for two weeks. It was so devastating, and I felt nauseous whenever I thought about it. The silver lining on replacing the ring was that the store where JP bought it just recently changed their warranty policy, so instead of the ring being under warranty for 5 years, it's now under warranty for a lifetime. The other positive was that we had the ring insured. Thank goodness. 

The weather is starting to turn extra cold again. JP snapped these photos really quick while we were walking/running back to our car. I wanted to take my coat off to show off my blouse and cardigan, but I couldn't bare it. It was too chilly, and the wind was picking up. 
(jacket - American Eagle , jeans - Jessica Simpson, blouse - French Connection, cardigan -
Gap, boots - Chinese Laundry via Winners, bag - Spring)